Privacy & Confidentiality

Privacy & Confidentiality

An overview of our commitment to you as a client of Your Care.

Document Overview

Our Commitment

We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all Your Care service users. We acknowledge an individual’s right to privacy while recognising personal information is required to deliver a safe and high standard of care.

Our Responsibility

  • We will comply with all relevant legislation.
  • We are committed to complying with consent requirements.
  • We will provide you with information about how the privacy of your personal information.
  • Personal information will only be used by us and will not be shared outside our organisation without your permission unless required by law (e.g., reporting abuse, neglect, or court order).
  • Images or video will not be used without consent.

Security of Your Information

We will take reasonable steps to reduce the likelihood of a data breach. We will store your personal information securely and accessible only by relevant Your Care employees.